When browsing your patterns, only the filled-in information is shown, so you won't have to deal with lots of empy fields. It is entirely up to you how many details you want to register for your individual patterns, but the more details you supply, the more help you will find in the built-in filtering function.

Each pattern can be associated with as many categories as you wish. You can have your patterns sorted alphabetically, by most recent usage, or in any particular order you like. You can categorize your patterns based from standard garment types, or create as many of your own categories as you like. The app lets you gain the perfect overview in a single place, whether your patterns are purchased, found in magazines, or your own creations entirely.
The app also helps you find inspiration on how to best make use of your current stash of fabric. The inspiration in the form of your pattern library is right at your fingertips, wherever you go, and you can easily make sure that you purchase the right fabric in the right quantity - and with the right accessories. If your answer is "yes", then Sewing Patterns will be your indispensable companion in the future. Have you ever tried going on a shopping spree for new fabrics (in physical stores or online), only to feel completely lost by not knowing exactly how you would use that nice-looking piece of fabric, and end up purchasing the wrong thing - or purchasing the right thing, but in the wrong quantity - or worse, still: Leaving empty-handed?